Platform Enablement
- Storage Mounts in Production via CLI: We're excited to announce that storage mounts are now live in production, offering improved data accessibility and management across the platform. This feature is ideal for sharing large datasets across teams and can also be leveraged as a build cache to significantly reduce build times. Click here to learn more.
- New Regional Support in the EU: We've introduced a new region in Stockholm for our paid-tier customers, enhancing user experience with improved speed and performance in that part of the world. Here's a link to the relevant docs.
Product Enablement
- GitHub Action Runners: We've introduced self-hosted GitHub Action runners that support actions using Docker, streamlining your CI/CD workflows. Say goodbye to expensive and slow GitHub Actions, and take control with the ability to inspect and log into the environment where your actions are being executed. This enhancement not only improves efficiency but also gives you greater transparency and control over your CI/CD processes. Click here to learn more.
- Native Windows CLI Support: Per the demand, our CLI now natively supports Windows, improving the experience for developers working outside of Linux environments.
To install our Windows CLI use:
choco install devzero-cli --version=1.0.0 --source="'.;'"
Click here to learn more.
- Enhanced Deploy and Launch Logs: We've upgraded the logging and added more context when launching a workspace, ensuring you're informed at every step of the process.

User Experience and Developer Enablement
- Notification Drawer: We've added a notification drawer to keep you informed when a job (e.g., recipe build, workspace launch) is complete, allowing you to navigate the site without waiting for processes to finish.

- Recipe Editor Improvements: The recipe editor has undergone several ergonomic and aesthetic improvements to provide a cleaner and more user-friendly experience.
- Onboarding Enhancements: We've completed the onboarding steps related to publishing a recipe, making the process clearer and more intuitive for new users.
- Public Repo Support for Suggestor: Suggestor now supports public repositories, enabling users to quickly and easily build recipes from public codebases. Suggestor is a proprietary AI component that analyzes the codebase to determine required packages and other dependencies and provides recommended build steps. Suggestor streamlines the development process and accelerates the workflow of building a recipe, our workspace configuration blueprint.